The Pods

I'm going to be adding a lotta podracing stuff on this site so look forward to it people!!!!

These are in Alphabetical Order (hopefully)!


Aldar Beedo- Truly my least favorite pod of them all, his pod has the SLOWEST turning of all the pods. (i think) I tried this pod on a couple races and hated him!!! BANTHA PUDU!!!

Anakin Skywalker- This is one of the best pods there is, I would rate it fifth best out of all 25. It has good turning, control, and traction; all with good boosters.

Ark "Bumpy" Roose- A really bad pod with bad everything!!!!

Ben Quadinaros- My second favorite pod, not great turning response, but its boosters are THE best they last for A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!

Boles Roor- This is a pod with medium turning and a little below average handling; fast top speed and good cooling though.

Bozzie Barantha- Pretty much like the above pod.

"Bullseye" Navior- THE BEST POD IN THE PACK, PICK FOR ALOMOST EVERY RACE AND YOU ARE ASURED VICTORY, (unless you really stink) HE HAS THE BEST TURN RESPONSE OF ALL THE POD AND HANDLES EXCELLENT. I ALWAYS PICK THIS POD IN MULTIPLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (caps because i was emphazing that he is a good pod.)

Clegg Holdfast- Fairly good pod with average turning and handling. Not great cooling though.

Dud Bolt- Not very good pod because of bad turning but it does have good boosting and acceleration.

Ebe Endocott- This pod handles okay, it is a good beginners pod to use because it has average handling.

Elan Mak- This is a fun pod to use, with good acceleration and okay handling, it's a fun pod to start out with, but you will get killed using it later on if youre not very good.

Fud Sang- This is an average pod all around accept for slow top speed.

Gasgano- This pod has slow turn response, kinda like Elan Mak, it's fun to fool around with though.

Mars Guo- This is my fourth favorite pod in the game. It has good boosters and turn response for a the biggest pod. All around it is a good pod!

Mawhonic- Good speed but poor turning and handling.

Neva Kee- My third favorite pod, I used to use this one all the time before i found out about Bullseye Navior from TheAhnFahn. (*cheer*) Anyway, an excellent pod to choose with good turning and great boosters.

Ody Mandrell- A good beginners pod, it has medium everything.

Ratts Tyerell- Fast acceleration makes up for slow turn response, this is a little above average pod.

Sebulba- The manual hypes this pod a lot, but I dont really like this pod at all. It does have good acceleration though and a fast un-upgraded speed.

Slide Paramita- This pod falls apart to easily for my liking even though it has great turning.

Teemto Pagilies- Another good beginners pod, with average handling.

Toy Dampner- A good pod, a lot like Fud Sang with good handling and turning.

Wan Sandage- A lot like Bozzie Barantha.


Phew, there is the list! *pant pant*

Look for updates soon!